International Workshop of the Cluster of Excellence CLIMATE, CLMATIC CHANGE AND SOCIETY (CLICCS):
Scenarios and the Politics of the Future at the Climate Security Nexus
This cross-disciplinary workshop investigates scenarios as useful devices to analyse the politics of the future in the fields of climate change and security. Scenarios and scenario exercises have become popular techniques in the politics concerning issues of climate change, insecurity and conflict. In our understanding, scenarios are stories about possible futures; they are exercises in “worldmaking” (Vervoort et al. 2015), and, as such, offer fascinating insights into struggles to assume agency under conditions of uncertainty and acute threat. The workshop seeks to inquire into scenarios as social tech-niques used by different communities to hedge against, prepare for and act upon different climate-security futures and related risks.
The workshop is developed in the context of a project on „Conflict and Cooperation at the Climate-Security Nexus“ and is part of the cluster of excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS) in Hamburg. It brings together scholars with different perspectives (e.g. more conceptual or empirical, applied or critical perspectives) in their respective research and aims at forging an understanding of scenarios and scenario me-thods at the intersection of different disciplines – from security studies to anthropology and geography, from political science to environmental studies, futurology, climate research, and anthropocene studies.
Find out more about the workshop programme: