Apply now for the new year of Peace and Security Studies (M.A.) 2020/2021

Dr. Ursula Schröder (Head) / Dr. Patricia Schneider (Coordination)

Our class of 2019 / 2020

Our class of 2019 / 2020

Are you interested in the connections between peace research and security policy? You want to learn more about strategies for avoiding or reducing violent conflicts and what conclusions politics should draw from this? You have practical experience and want to acquire further knowledge and competencies?
In our one-year master's program, you will receive an overview of the social science foundations of peace research and security policy. In addition, ethical, international law, economic and scientific issues are dealt with. It is about current conflicts in individual regions of the world, concrete aspects of peacekeeping, disarmament and foreign policy.
University graduates of all disciplines can apply. They should have an interest in peace and security issues and, ideally, have already worked in this area.

The study programme is free of charge.


Find more details on our IFSH “Studies” site under “applications”