Berlin Eurasian Club: 2nd Session in Astana

Following an invitation by the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Germany, Dr Nurlan Onzhanov, Dr Seifert reflected on the challenges to which the Eurasian Idea is going to be exposed. It was with the aim of supporting this idea that the Berlin Eurasian Club (BEC) was started during the visit of the Kazakhstani President Nazarbaev to Germany. The Rector of the Eurasian Astana University, Sydykov, Ambassador Onzhanov, Prof Eberhard Sandschneider (DGAP) as well as the chairman of the Committee of Eastern European Economic Relations, Prof Eckard Cordes, stressed that the development of the great potential of the Eurasian space as well as of the new joint possibilities which could arise from this, could be regarded as a chance of historic importance. At the same time, one cannot shut one’s eyes to the considerable problems and difficulties which the realization of this challenge bumps up against. Exploring these challenges scientifically and showing ways to overcome them is a new challenge for OSCE research as well, Seifert explained. Its geographical and political character as a Eurasian organization for security and cooperation raises the question for the OSCE of its role in a process of joint development of the rich potentials of its sphere of activity.


Dr Arne C. Seifert