Climate Change, Security Risks, and Violent Conflict

Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska

Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska

Cutting-edge research on security-related aspects of climate change has been conducted for more than a decade in the framework of the cluster of excellence on climate change research in Hamburg. Hamburg University Press has now published, with support from the IFSH, a volume collecting selected results from this research. The volume demonstrates why Hamburg has become a globally recognised centre of analysis on the connections between climate change and security in a broad understanding. Editors Michael Brzoska, IFSH Senior Research Fellow, and Jürgen Scheffran, Professor of Integrative Geography at the University of Hamburg, included a selection of research papers and essays which demonstrate the breadth of academic achievements on topics ranging from the question of climate change as a cause of violent conflict to migration to conditions of human security in the Anthropocene, employing a diversity of methodological approaches from agent-based modelling to case study research and discourse analysis. Research reflected in the volume was based on an interdisciplinary cooperation of experts from the University of Hamburg and other institutions in Hamburg, clustering around the research group Climate Change and Security (CLISEC) and involving a number of researchers affiliated with the IFSH.

Michael Brzoska und Jürgen Scheffran (Hrsg), Climate Change, Security Risks, and Violent Conflict. Hamburg University Press 2020, ISBN 978-3-943423-8-15