Isabelle Maras participated as a discussant in the international conference "Re-think post-conflict change. Which aid models in the African Great Lakes Region? ("Repenser le changement post-conflit. Quels modèles de coopération en Afrique des Grands Lacs?") organised by the Belgian research group GRAPAX (Research Group on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding). The conference took place in the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels, Belgium, on 14-15 December 2011.
The panel that Isabelle Maras conducted with a colleague from GRAPAX ("Restore, ensure, address, and guarantee security in the African Great Lakes Region: which coherence for which efficiency in post-conflict contexts?") was dedicated to the various dimensions of security in the Great Lakes, with a focus on the coherence and effectiveness of the external intervention. It gathered both academics and experts of the security sector in the region.