On October 24, scientists and governmental representatives from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia met at invitation of CORE in Almaty, Kazakhstan, to discuss the results of the project "Approaches to Civilian Radicalization Prevention in Central Asia".
At the end of the first phase of the project funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, the participants issued a joint memorandum on the project’s findings where they also expressed their great interest in continuing the project. Since its beginning in early 2017, the project had included five meetings in Moscow, Bishkek and Osh (Kyrgyzstan), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and a large number of individual talks. At the side of CORE, Frank Evers, Jeannette Klötzer, Arne Seifert and Esther Somfalvy participated in the Almaty meeting.
Contact: Dr. Frank Evers | Dr. Esther Somfalvy