The members of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions have again elected Cornelius Friesendorf as the Network Co-ordinator. The election was unanimous. Friesendorf is Head of the Centre for OSCE Research at IFSH.
The OSCE Network is an association of think tanks and academic institutions from the OSCE area and a so-called "Track II Initiative", i.e. a non-governmental initiative for policy advice and confidence-building. Since its foundation in 2013, the Network has grown steadily. It now comprises over 100 institutions. This year, the Network is focusing on China's "Belt and Road Initiative" and its impact on the OSCE area. The Chinese initiative aims to connect the People's Republic with large parts of Asia, Europe and Africa by investing billions in roads, railways and technical infrastructure.
More information on the OSCE Network and current projects