DAAD Student group from Central Asia visits the IFSH

On 21 June 2012 a group of students from Kazakhstan visited the IFSH during an educational trip in Germany, sponsored by the DAAD. The participants were students from the faculty for International Relations at the Al Farabi University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. They were accompanied by the professor of International Relations, Prof. Dr Mara Gubaidullina and DAAD staff member Ms Julia Hildt. IFSH Director Prof. Dr Michael Brzoska welcomed the students and gave a presentation on the history of the IFSH, which is closely linked to the history of Peace Research in Europe. Dr Anna Kreikemeyer, Lena Kulipanova, Dauren Akberdiyev and Sebastian Schiek presented current and future research projects, related to the Central Asian region, which are mainly run by the IFSH Center for OSCE Research. Senior researcher Dr Regina Heller presented the results for her research project “Claiming respect – the socio-emotional dimension of Russia’s policy towards the West.

Insights from the 1999 Kosovo case“. Finally, Naida MehmedbegovićDreilich gave a presentation on the IFSH study programme „Master of Peace and Security Studies“.