An Inconvenient Truth - Movie and discussion about climate change at Abaton cinema

Dr. Delf Rothe

On January 7, 2020, the documentary movie An Inconvenient Truth (Guggenheimer 2006) was screened at the Abaton cinema in Hamburg as part of the movie/lecture series Future, Society and Technology. Following the movie screening, Delf Rothe and Beate Ratter, who is professor of geography and climate research at the University of Hamburg, discussed about the movie, the current state of the climate regime, and the role of technology as well as of images in global climate politics. The lecture series is organized by the Hamburg Open Online University and consists of seven movie screenings dealing with issues including Artificial Intelligence, globalization, surveillance and climate change. At the next movie screening, on Tuesday, 21 January 2020, IFSH researcher Johanna Polle will discuss the movie Eye in the Sky and the problem of drone warfare.

More information about the event series at Abaton can be found here: