Hamburg (Insecurity) Sessions -- Experience it live on Twitter and YouTube!

Dr. Benjamin Tallis

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Niels Annen, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, during his keynote address (c) Katja Ruge

The Hamburg (Insecurity) Sessions have started: From 21 - 22 November, a group of around 120 scholars, political decision-makers and young talent will discuss issues critical to our future at the international conference Hamburg (Insecurity) Sessions. We want to know: Which Europe do we want to live in? What will the future world order look like? With what weapons will wars soon be fought? How do we deal with the global challenges of climate change and migration?

If you can’t be there in person, you can still get live impressions from the conference on our Twitter channel @ifshhamburg and our YouTube channel. Use the hashtags #hamburgsessions and #uncancellingthefuture to follow the discussions. Tip: It’s worth your time to check out the conference on our social media channels, because all keynote speeches will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Watch this shrt video about our first conference day on our YouTube channel! More videos to follow soon!

For more information about the Hamburg (Insecurity) Sessions as well as a programme overview, click here.