Michael Brzoska, Regina Heller, Daniela Pisoiu and Patricia Schneider attended the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA) in San Diego/ USA. The conference took place from 1-4 April, 2012.
Representing IFSH, they took actively part as panel chairs in the panels „Maritime Terrorism in the 21st Century: Concepts, Phenomena, and Countermeasures“ (Patricia Schneider, chair) and „Coordination and Survival of Terrorist Groups“ (Daniela Pisoiu, chair and discussant).
Presented papers on various topics concerning contemporary peace and security studies included the following:
- “Climate Risks and Security Providers” (Michael Brzoska),
- “Turning Agreement Into Action: Assessing State Motivations for Regional Counterterrorism Cooperation” (Michael Brzoska with the co-authors Rafael Bossong and Eric van Um),
- “Claiming respect – the socio-emotional dimension of Russia’s policy towards the West Insights from the 1999 Kosovo case” (Regina Heller),
- “Radicalising and Communicating Islamism and Right-Wing Extremism” (Daniela Pisoiu).
- “A ‘coalition’ of norm-challengers? Comparing official counter-terror argumentation in the US, the EU and Russia” (poster presentation by Regina Heller with the co-authors Martin Kahl and Daniela Pisoiu),
- „Maritime Security Governance: A German Perspektive“ (Patricia Schneider).
An issue of the peer-reviewed “Journal of the Indian Ocean Region” will include contributions to the panel “Maritime Terrorism in the 21st Century: Concepts, Phenomena, and Countermeasures”. It is expected to be published in December 2012.