IFSH Researcher presents at Workshop for the Next Generation of Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Experts

Johanna Polle

Johanna Polle (3rd to the right) during the workshop

Johanna Polle (3rd to the right) during the workshop

On 12th December, IFSH researcher Johanna Polle participated at the 2019 Next Generation Workshop of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPD) in Brussels. She was one of 13 panelists selected out of 109 international applications. In her presentation, she gave an overview of the increasing military drone proliferation in Europe. She argued that, in light of this development, European states should create common standards for transparent and accountable military drone use in harmony with international law and human rights. Such a framework would not only provide guidance for European states, but also demonstrate EU leadership globally.