IFSH Scientists at UN Conference on Disarmament in New York


Reducing nuclear risks and nuclear arsenals remain high on the NPT agenda, even more so against the background of the war against Ukraine. The trilateral German-Russian-U.S. Deep Cuts Commission has a track-record of suggesting specific ideas on how to lower the risk of conventional crises going nuclear. The side event will discuss the relevance of such measures, how states parties might take these issues forward at the Review Conference and make the case for a resumption of the bilateral US-Russian dialogue on nuclear reductions.

While Russia and the United States have not yet taken a decision to resume their bilateral dialogue on future nuclear reductions, both sides remain open to talks about a follow-on agreement for New START, which will expire in February 2026. Most Europeans also would like to see nuclear transparency provisions to be maintained and nuclear weapons reduced.

Panelists from the Deep Cuts Commission and the Young Deep Cuts Commission will make the case for deeper nuclear cuts, present relevant ideas by the Commissions and relate them to existing NPT commitments “to address the question of all nuclear weapons regardless of their type or their location as an integral part of the general nuclear disarmament process.”




Angela Kane, Sam Nunn Distinguished Fellow at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, DCC member

Andrey Baklitskiy, Senior Researcher, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Other Strategic Weapons at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, DCC member

Daryl Kimball, Executive Director at the Arms Control Association, DCC member

Patricia Jaworek, Program Officer, Global Nuclear Policy Program at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Young Deep Cuts Commission member

The discussion will be moderated by Oliver Meier, Senior Researcher at IFSH.


You can find more information here.