New Publication: Regional Conflicts

Dr. Ulrich Kühn

In his latest publication “Regional Conflicts,” Dr. Ulrich Kühn, together with a select group of international researchers, focuses on the sub-regional conflicts in the post-Soviet space. Looking at the conflicts of the South Caucasus, Ukraine, and Moldova, the researchers propose a number of stabilizing and pain-reducing measures to mitigate further conflict. The chapter on “Regional Conflicts” is part of an edited volume by the RAND Corporation on “A Consensus Proposal for a Revised Regional Order in Post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia.”



“Regional Conflicts,” in A Consensus Proposal for a Revised Regional Order in Post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2019), edited by Samuel Charap, Jeremy Shapiro, John Drennan, Oleksandr Chalyi, Reinhard Krumm, Yulia Nikitina, and Gwendolyn Sasse, pp. 53–78. DOI: (with Samuel Charap, Vasyl Filipchuk, Andrei Popov, Nikolai Silaev, and Olesya Vartanyan)