New Publication: Studying 'Effectiveness' in International Relations

Edited Volume on Effectiveness Research Hendrik Hegemann, Regina Heller and Martin Kahl (ZEUS/IFSH) have edited a volume on the analysis of the effectiveness of political measures in international politics. The book titled “Studying ‘Effectiveness’ in International Relations – A guide for students and scholars” has been published with Barbara Budrich Publishers and brings together ten contributions by authors from Germany and the United States. The publication builds upon preparatory in the working group Effectiveness Research at the IFSH.

The question of how effective political instruments actually are is a hotly debated topic in international relations research. The book presents and discusses the state of the art in effectiveness research, methods and research techniques, their theoretical underpinning and their application in empirical research. Next to general aspects of causality and effectiveness, the contributions to the books deal with results and achievements of effectiveness research in the areas of international organisations, international non-governmental organisations, public-private partnerships, military interventions, sanctions, international regimes, international socialisation, democracy promotion and human rights, development aid and counterterrorism.


Authors from the IFSH are - in addition to the editors - Michael Brzoska, Elena Kulipanova, Daniela Pisoiu and Eric van Um.


Hegemann, Hendrik/ Heller, Regina/ Kahl, Martin (eds.)

Studying 'Effectiveness' in

International Relations

A Guide for Students and Scholars


Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, Berlin [&] Toronto

2013, ISBN 978-3-8474-0027-1, 287 pages, 33,00 €.