New Research Report: How promising are approaches to trust-building in conflict societies?

Viktoria Budde, Dr Karoline Eickhoff

In their Research Report, "Fostering Constructive Relations: Approaches to Trust-Building in Peacebuilding Interventions", Viktoria Budde and Dr Karoline Eickhoff address the question of how international policymakers try to build trust in societies faced with conflict. The report focusses on trust relation between the population and institutions such as the police and the military. Policymakers consider the relationship between civilians and state security actors especially important for the stability of states. Budde and Eickhoff analyse which approaches to trust-building are actually promising, and uncover knowledge gaps on the role of trust in conflict societies.

The report is the result of a research cooperation between the IFSH and the Berghof Foundation.

Click here for the Research Report.