Special Issue on “Maritime Terrorism and Piracy in the Indian Ocean Region”

Dr. Patricia Schneider, IFSH, co-edited together with Professor Andrew C. Winner, U.S. Naval War College and Awet T. Weldemichael, Université Paris Diderot, a special issue on maritime terrorism and piracy in the Indian Ocean region (double-blind peer-reviewed) which was published in the Journal of the Indian Ocean Region by Routledge. The special issue has its origins in a panel on maritime security that took place at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention in San Diego, California. With the input from the panel and the insights from additional authors that contributed to the issue, it provides seven articles throwing light on the subjects of maritime terrorism and piracy from different perspectives that can be divided up into four categories: case studies of specific maritime challenges and national responses to them; an examination of the overarching issue of non-state actors and maritime security; the discussion of international legal and regulatory responses to maritime security issues in the Indian Ocean.

Among others: Patricia Schneider: German maritime security governance: a perspective on the Indian Ocean Region.

Please see: www.tandfonline.com/toc/rior20/current