Special Section in "Critical Studies on Terrorism"

"Critical Studies on Terrorism" has published a Special Section on "The “dark” side of normative argumentation in counterterrorism". Editors of the Section are Regina Heller, Martin Kahl and Daniela Pisoiu.


Editors’ introduction: the “dark” side of normative argumentation in counterterrorism – an emerging research field

Regina Heller, Martin Kahl & Daniela Pisoiu


Tracing and understanding “bad” norm dynamics in counterterrorism: the current debates in IR research

Regina Heller & Martin Kahl


Representations of terrorism and the making of counterterrorism policy

Jonas Hagmann


Effective but inefficient: understanding the costs of counterterrorism

Arjun Chowdhury & Scott Fitzsimmons


Beyond norms: the incomplete de-securitisation of the Russian counterterrorism frame

Aurélie Campana
