Workshop: “Beyond Western Liberalism“

Dr. Regina Heller

IFSH co-organized an academic workshop entitled "Beyond Western Liberalism: Mapping Blind Spots in International Relations Research" conveyed on 2 & 3 December 2019 at the section "Norms and Changes in Global Politics" in Gießen. The workshop took up critical voices in the discipline highlighting an overly "Euro-centric" or "Western-centric" approach to the study of norms in international relations, discussed them and tried to identify roads ahead to overcome these biases. The papers presented dealt, among other issues, with the ambivalences and ambiguities of the liberal paradigm itself as well as with "new" norm-entrepreneurs, legitimacy and legitimation mechanisms in non-democratic states and unconventional norm promotion through regional and international institutions. The workshop was framed by a keynote speech given by Professor Jeffrey T. Checkel from European University Institute Florence. Additional co-organizers were the PRIF institute in Frankfurt and the University of Duisburg. The workshop was part of a series of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) thematic group “International Relations Norms Research” within the GPSA section “International Politics”. Follow-on workshops to this series will take place in 2020 and 2021.