Recent news
Interview with "Sputnik" on the war in Ukraine
In an interview with Russian state-owned Sputnik media, Ulrich Kühn describes several scenarios for the further development of the events in Ukraine and assessed prospects for the settlement of the…
New Publication: Trapped in Refuge: The Syrian Crisis in Jordan Worsens
Christiane Fröhlich and Matthew R. Stevens, "Trapped in Refuge: The Syrian Crisis in Jordan Worsens". Middle East Research and Information Project, March 2, 2015.
Three Crises Threatening the European Security Architecture
Whether the new Minsk-2 ceasefire agreement will hold or not, the crisis in and over Ukraine will continue, Commissioner Kühn argues in this latest op-ed for the European Leadership Network (ELN).…
IFSH at ISA 2015 in New Orleans
Michael Brzoska, Katarzyna Kubiak and Ulrich Kühn participated in this year’s Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA) in New Orleans. Michael Brzoska presented a paper…
ifsh news 107 (November-December 2014) published
Ifsh news (November-December 2014) have been published and are available for download.
Improve the nuclear test monitoring system
Ulrich Kühn and Michael Schöppner (formerly IFSH) plead to "Improve the nuclear test monitoring system". In their article for the web page of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists they suggest…
New Publication: Understanding Russia
Ulrich Kühn argues, contrary to many analysts, that Russia is continuing to pursue the same status-quo-orientated approach that it has followed since the end of the Cold War: resisting changes to the…
The People and the State: 21st Century Protest Movements in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia
CfP The People and the State: 21st Century Protest Movements in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Saving the INF Treaty
This issue brief by Deep Cuts Commissioners Oliver Meier, Greg Thielmann and Andrei Zagorski turns to the latest crisis surrounding the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). The authors…
New Deep Cuts Working Paper by Alexey Arbatov
In his paper on 'THE ‘P5’ PROCESS: PROSPECTS FOR ENHANCEMENT', Russian researcher Alexey Arbatov analyzes the origins and achievements of the 'P5' process, questions the basic assumptions underlying…