Publications by Cornelius Friesendorf
Book Chapters
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Введение в ОБСЕ Insights 2020: ОБСЕ в кризисном режиме.
In: ОБСЕ Insights 2020, edited by Институт исследования проблем мира и политики безопасности при Университете Гамбурга, 7-12. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748921264-00.
Translation of -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Introduction to OSCE Insights 2020: The OSCE in Crisis Mode.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/ IFSH, 7-12. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748922339-00. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
ОБСЕ в Центральной Азии: обсуждение деятельности,связанной с полицейскими функциями.
In: ОБСЕ Insights 2020, edited by Институт исследования проблем мира и политики безопасности при Университете Гамбурга, 13-34. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748921264-01.
Translation of -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2020.
The OSCE in Central Asia: Debating Police-related Activities.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/ IFSH, 13-28. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748922339-01. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Die OSZE in Zentralasien: Warum eine Debatte über Polizeihilfe nötig ist.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg/ IFSH, 13-28. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748911630-01.
Translation of -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2020.
The OSCE in Central Asia: Debating Police-related Activities.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/ IFSH, 13-28. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748922339-01. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Introduction to OSCE Insights 2020: The OSCE in Crisis Mode.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/ IFSH, 7-12. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748922339-00.
Published in translation as Published in translation as -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Einführung in OSCE Insights 2020: Die OSZE im Krisenmodus.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg/ IFSH, 7-11. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748911630-00. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Введение в ОБСЕ Insights 2020: ОБСЕ в кризисном режиме.
In: ОБСЕ Insights 2020, edited by Институт исследования проблем мира и политики безопасности при Университете Гамбурга, 7-12. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748921264-00. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius,
Philipp Neubauer. 2021.
Mit List und Tücke? Die Einbettung institutioneller Reformen in technische Polizeihilfe und Implikationen für Evaluationen.
In: Die Evaluation der internationalen Polizei in Friedensoperationen und Sicherheitssektorreform-Programmen – Angemessene Ansätze in komplexen Kontexten, edited by Lars Wagner, Thorsten Stodiek, Nina Steinitz, 45-62. Münster: Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei. -
Dembinski, Matthias,
Cornelius Friesendorf,
Pia Fuhrhop,
Hendrik Hegemann,
Barbara Kunz,
Holger Niemann,
Dirk Peters,
Ursula Schröder,
Wolfgang Zellner. 2021.
Institutionelle Friedenssicherung / Was will Europa? Strategische Autonomie aus friedenspolitischer Perspektive.
In: Friedensgutachten 2021, edited by Bonn International Center for Conversion, Leibniz Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH), Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, 118-134. Bielefeld: transcript. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2020.
The OSCE in Central Asia: Debating Police-related Activities.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/ IFSH, 13-28. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748922339-01.
Published in translation as Published in translation as -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
Die OSZE in Zentralasien: Warum eine Debatte über Polizeihilfe nötig ist.
In: OSCE Insights 2020, edited by Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg/ IFSH, 13-28. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748911630-01. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2021.
ОБСЕ в Центральной Азии: обсуждение деятельности,связанной с полицейскими функциями.
In: ОБСЕ Insights 2020, edited by Институт исследования проблем мира и политики безопасности при Университете Гамбурга, 13-34. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748921264-01. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2018.
Soldiers as Crime Fighters: The British Army in Post-War Bosnia and Kosovo.
In: Criminologies of the Military: Militarism, National Security and Justice, edited by Ben Wadham, Andrew Goldsmith, 95-113. Oxford: Hart. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2016.
Armed Conflict and Police Reform: International Support to the Afghan National Police.
In: Intelligence, National Security, and Foreign Policy: A South Asian Narrative, edited by A.S.M. Ali Ashraf, 251-268. Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2015.
Violence Against Civilians and Justice Claims: Contesting Territorial Status Shifts.
In: Apprehending Shifts in Status over Time: The Quest for Strategic Patience in the South Caucasus, edited by Ernst M. Felberbauer, Frederic Labarre, George Niculescu, 59-69. Vienna: Austrian National Defence Academy. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2013.
Drugs, War on.
In: The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military & Diplomatic History Volume 1. edited by Timothy J. Lynch, 347-352. New York: Oxford University Press. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2011.
Problems of Crime-Fighting by ‘Internationals’ in Kosovo.
In: Peace Operations and Organized Crime: Enemies or Allies?, edited by James Cockayne, Adam Lupel, 47-67. London: Routledge. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2011.
Aufstandsbekämpfung und Bürgernähe: Der schwierige Aufbau der afghanischen Polizei.
In: Der Taliban-Komplex: Zwischen Aufstandsbewegung und Militäreinsatz, edited by Conrad Schetter, Jörgen Klußmann, 179-201. Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius,
Ursula Schröder,
Irma Deljkić. 2010.
Bosnia and the Art of Policy Implementation: Obstacles to International Counter-Crime Strategies.
In: Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime and Peace-Building: Human Security in the Western Balkans, edited by Wolfgang Benedek, Christopher Daase, Vojin Dimitrijevic, Petrus van Duyne, 265-285. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2010.
The Military and the Fight Against Serious Crime: Lessons from the Balkans.
In: 15 Years of Peace-Building in the Western Balkans – Lessons Learnt and Current Challenges, edited by Ernst M. Felberbauer, Predrag Jurecovic, 61-86. Vienna: Austrian National Defence Academy. -
Daase, Christopher,
Cornelius Friesendorf. 2010.
Introduction: Unintended Consequences of Security Governance.
In: Rethinking Security Governance: The Problem of Unintended Consequences, edited by Christopher Daase, Cornelius Friesendorf, 1-20. London: Routledge. -
Daase, Christopher,
Cornelius Friesendorf. 2010.
Conclusion: Analyzing and Avoiding Unintended Consequences of Security Governance.
In: Rethinking Security Governance: The Problem of Unintended Consequences, edited by Christopher Daase, Cornelius Friesendorf, 198-213. London: Routledge. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2009.
Facing the Illicit: Efforts Against Trafficking – Workshop Session Report.
In: Coping with Global Change: Proceedings of the 8th International Security Forum, edited by Anja H. Ebnöther, Ernst M. Felberbauer, 96-98. Vienna: Austrian National Defence Academy. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2009.
Conclusions: Improving Counter-Trafficking Through Better Implementation, Networking, and Evaluation.
In: Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of the Security Sector, edited by Cornelius Friesendorf, 477-509. Vienna: Austrian National Defence Academy. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2009.
Introduction: The Security Sector and Counter-Trafficking.
In: Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of the Security Sector, edited by Cornelius Friesendorf, 17-32. Vienna: Austrian National Defence Academy. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2007.
Outsourcing the U.S. War on Drugs in Colombia.
In: La Privatisation des Forces Armées: Les Nouvelles Dimensions des Guerres 1990-2005, edited by Verdiana Grossi, 52-59. Berne: Commission Suisse pour l’UNESCO. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2002.
Drogenhandel: Unterschiede zwischen den Drogenpolitiken Deutschlands und der USA.
In: Internationale Risikopolitik: Der Umgang mit neuen Gefahren in den internationalen Beziehungen, edited by Christopher Daase, Susanne Feske, Ingo Peters, 167-190. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
Working Papers and Policy Briefs
Friesendorf, Cornelius,
Stefan Wolff,
Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Implications for the Future of the OSCE.
OSCE Network Perspectives 1/2022. Hamburg: IFSH. -
Zellner, Wolfgang,
Philip Remler,
Wolfgang Richter,
Andrei Zagorski,
Evgeny P. Buzhinsky,
Vladislav L. Chernov,
Ali Serdar Erdurmaz,
Marc Finaud,
Cornelius Friesendorf,
P. Terrence Hopmann,
Łukasz Kulesa,
Igors Rajevs,
Benjamin Schaller,
Hans-Joachim Schmidt,
Niklas Schörnig,
Oleg Shakirov,
Simon Weiß. 2019.
Снижение рисков конвенционального сдерживания в Европе: Контроль над вооружениями в зонах соприкосновения России и НАТО.
Vienna: OSCE Network.
Translation of -
Zellner, Wolfgang,
Philip Remler,
Wolfgang Richter,
Andrei Zagorski,
Evgeny P. Buzhinsky,
Vladislav L. Chernov,
Ali Serdar Erdurmaz,
Marc Finaud,
Cornelius Friesendorf,
P. Terrence Hopmann,
Łukasz Kulesa,
Igors Rajevs,
Benjamin Schaller,
Hans-Joachim Schmidt,
Niklas Schörnig,
Oleg Shakirov,
Simon Weiß. 2018.
Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe: Arms Control in the NATO-Russia Contact Zones.
Vienna: OSCE Network. -
Zellner, Wolfgang,
Philip Remler,
Wolfgang Richter,
Andrei Zagorski,
Evgeny P. Buzhinsky,
Vladislav L. Chernov,
Ali Serdar Erdurmaz,
Marc Finaud,
Cornelius Friesendorf,
P. Terrence Hopmann,
Łukasz Kulesa,
Igors Rajevs,
Benjamin Schaller,
Hans-Joachim Schmidt,
Niklas Schörnig,
Oleg Shakirov,
Simon Weiß. 2018.
Reducing the Risks of Conventional Deterrence in Europe: Arms Control in the NATO-Russia Contact Zones.
Vienna: OSCE Network.
Published in translation as -
Zellner, Wolfgang,
Philip Remler,
Wolfgang Richter,
Andrei Zagorski,
Evgeny P. Buzhinsky,
Vladislav L. Chernov,
Ali Serdar Erdurmaz,
Marc Finaud,
Cornelius Friesendorf,
P. Terrence Hopmann,
Łukasz Kulesa,
Igors Rajevs,
Benjamin Schaller,
Hans-Joachim Schmidt,
Niklas Schörnig,
Oleg Shakirov,
Simon Weiß. 2019.
Снижение рисков конвенционального сдерживания в Европе: Контроль над вооружениями в зонах соприкосновения России и НАТО.
Vienna: OSCE Network. -
Bell, Arvid,
Cornelius Friesendorf. 2014.
Ziel verfehlt: Die Mitverantwortung der NATO für zivile Opfer in Afghanistan.
HSFK Standpunkte 6/2014. Frankfurt am Main: HSFK. -
Krahmann, Elke,
Cornelius Friesendorf. 2014.
Undermining Human Security. Private Security Companies, the APPF, Militias and Auxiliary Police in Afghanistan.
PRIF Report 128. Frankfurt am Main: PRIF. -
Barzegar, Kayhan,
Cornelius Friesendorf,
Dorte Hühnert,
Peter Jones,
Dalia Dassa Kaye,
Thomas Kieschnick,
Bernd W. Kubbig,
Hillary Mann Leverett,
Ahmad Wali Masoud,
Mahmoud Saikal,
Amrullah Saleh. 2013.
Exploring Common Ground in a Promising Triangle. Improving Regional Dynamics between Afghanistan, Iran, and the United States.
Policy Brief for the Middle East Conference on a WMD/DVs Free Zone 30. Frankfurt am Main: PRIF. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius,
Christopher Daase,
Thomas Müller. 2013.
Flexible Sicherheitskräfte für Auslandseinsätze. Afghanistan und die Grenzen deutscher Sicherheitspolitik.
HSFK-Report 1/2013. Frankfurt am Main: HSFK. -
Friesendorf, Cornelius. 2012.
International Intervention and the Use of Force. Military and Police Roles.
SSR Paper 4. Geneva: DCAF.