Publications by Alexander Graef
Journal Articles
Graef, Alexander,
Tim Thies,
Lukas Mengelkamp. 2024.
Aufrüstung in Deutschland: Reden wir über Eskalationskontrolle!.
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 69 (9): 9-12. -
Graef, Alexander. 2023.
The Limits of Critique: Responses to the War against Ukraine from the Russian Foreign Policy Expert Community.
Journal of International Relations and Development 26 (4): 762-775. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-023-00303-4. -
Graef, Alexander. 2023.
Russland, der Westen und die europäische Sicherheitsordnung.
RGOW 4: 11-14. -
Graef, Alexander. 2022.
Beyond Stability: The Politics of Conventional Arms Control in Europe.
Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 10 (2): 219-245. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-022-00070-y. -
Graef, Alexander. 2020.
Mythos V "Rüstungskontrolle ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß." Kommentar.
Die Friedens-Warte 92 (3-4): 178-181. -
Graef, Alexander. 2019.
Arms Control: Back on the Table. (IMEMO Russia and the World 2019 Forecast).
New Perspectives 27 (3): 116-121. -
Graef, Alexander. 2018.
Denkfabriken und Expertise. Russlands außen- und sicherheitspolitische Community.
Osteuropa 68 (8-9): 77-98. -
Graef, Alexander. 2017.
Wer macht Außenpolitik in Russland? Akteure, Diskurse, Entscheidungen.
Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 10 (1): 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-016-0601-1.
Book Chapters
Graef, Alexander. 2024.
“Let’s Forget That Slovakia Is Small”: GLOBSEC, Status-Seeking, and Agency in Informal Elite Networks.
In: Agency, Security and Governance of Small States, edited by Thomas Kolnberger, Harlan Koff, 185-202. London: Routledge. -
Graef, Alexander. 2024.
The End of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.
In: SIPRI Yearbook 2024. Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, edited by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 505-511. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -
Bayer, Markus,
Michael Brzoska,
Tobias Debiel,
Alexander Graef,
Hendrik Hegemann,
Martin Kahl,
Lukas Mengelkamp,
Max M. Mutschler,
Holger Niemann,
Delf Rothe,
Jürgen Scheffran,
Conrad Schetter,
Ursula Schröder,
Anselm Vogler. 2023.
Fokus / Zeitenwende für die Friedenspolitik? Optionen und Handlungsspielräume.
In: Friedensgutachten 2023, edited by Bonn International Center for Conversion, Leibniz Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH), Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, 21-38. Bielefeld: transcript. -
Graef, Alexander. 2022.
The Withdrawal of Russia from the Treaty on Open Skies.
In: SIPRI Yearbook 2022. Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, edited by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 545-550. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -
Fichtlscherer, Christopher,
Pia Fuhrhop,
Alexander Graef,
Mischa Hansel,
Alexander Kelle,
Ulrich Kühn,
Moritz Kütt,
Oliver Meier,
Neil C. Renic,
Elvira Rosert,
Jantje Silomon,
Franziska Stärk,
Maren Vieluf. 2021.
In: Rüstungskontrolle für die nächste Bundesregierung. Ein Empfehlungsbericht, edited by Ulrich Kühn, 7-13. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-research-report-006. -
Graef, Alexander. 2021.
Konventionelle Rüstungskontrolle in Europa: Zurück in die Zukunft.
In: Rüstungskontrolle für die nächste Bundesregierung. Ein Empfehlungsbericht, edited by Ulrich Kühn, 60-65. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-research-report-006. -
Graef, Alexander. 2021.
Influential or Irrelevant? The Role of Foreign Policy Think Tanks in Russia.
In: Russia’s Foreign Policy: The Internal-International Link, edited by Aldo Ferrari, Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti, 12-36. Milan: ISPI. -
Kertysova, Katarina,
Alexander Graef. 2021.
Open Skies in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities.
In: On Thin Ice? Perspectives on Arctic Security, edited by Duncan Depledge, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 91-106. Peterborough, ON: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN).
Updated version published as -
Kertysova, Katarina,
Alexander Graef. 2021.
Open Skies in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities.
Euro-Atlantic Security Report. London: European Leadership Network. -
Graef, Alexander. 2020.
Zwischen Staatsverantwortung und Machtpolitik: Der russische Staatsdiskurs zur Schutzverantwortung.
In: Die Internationale Schutzverantwortung: Etabliert. Herausgefordert. Gescheitert?, edited by Mischa Hansel, Alexander Reichwein, 229-264. Münster: LIT. -
Graef, Alexander,
Moritz Kütt. 2020.
New Opportunities to Build Trust and Ensure Compliance: Using Emerging Technologies for Arms Control and Verification.
In: 2020. Capturing Technology. Rethinking Arms Control, 5th-6th November 2020. Conference Reader, edited by German Federal Foreign Office, 27-33. Berlin: German Federal Foreign Office. -
Graef, Alexander,
Alla Leukavets,
Zachary Paikin,
Anna Gussarova. 2020.
Responsible Europe vis-à-vis China and the USA.
In: Responsible Europe, edited by FLEET, Fresh Look at Eastern European Trends, 16-17. Vienna: FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe. -
Graef, Alexander. 2020.
Die Grenzen kooperativer Sicherheit mit Russland.
In: Russland und der Westen - Ist kooperative Sicherheit möglich?, edited by Michael Staack, Gunther Hauser, 29-38. Opladen: Budrich. -
Axyonova, Vera,
Victoria Bucataru,
Alexander Graef,
Dzmitry Halubnichy,
Alla Leukavets,
Julia Wanninger. 2018.
From Conflict to Engagement: Threat Perceptions in the OSCE Area.
In: Islands of Cooperation, edited by FLEET, Fresh Look at Eastern European Trends, 8-10. Vienna: FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe.
Working Papers and Policy Briefs
Graef, Alexander. 2025.
From Crisis to Strategy: The OSCE and Arms Control in a Divided Europe.
Policy Brief. London: European Leadership Network. -
Graef, Alexander. 2024.
US-Mittelstreckenwaffen in Deutschland: Abschreckung und Rüstungskontrolle zusammen denken.
Policy Brief 4/2024. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-policy-brief-0424. -
Graef, Alexander,
Tim Thies. 2022.
Lessons from the Past: Arms Control in Uncooperative Times.
Global Security Policy Brief. London: European Leadership Network. -
Afzal, Amina,
Marianne Fisher,
Alexander Graef,
Oleg Krivolapov. 2022.
Reassessing Europe's Nuclear Order: Perspectives for a Nuclear Free Zone.
ACONA Reports. Cambridge, MA: Arms Control Negotiation Academy. -
Graef, Alexander. 2022.
Military Security Dialogue between Russia and the West: What Role for the EU?.
Policy Brief, EU-Russia Relations Series. Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies. -
Fichtlscherer, Christopher,
Pia Fuhrhop,
Alexander Graef,
Mischa Hansel,
Alexander Kelle,
Ulrich Kühn,
Moritz Kütt,
Oliver Meier,
Neil C. Renic,
Elvira Rosert,
Jantje Silomon,
Franziska Stärk,
Maren Vieluf. 2021.
Rüstungskontrolle für die nächste Bundesregierung. Ein Empfehlungsbericht.
Research Report 006. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-research-report-006. -
Kertysova, Katarina,
Alexander Graef. 2021.
Open Skies in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities.
Euro-Atlantic Security Report. London: European Leadership Network.
Updated version of -
Kertysova, Katarina,
Alexander Graef. 2021.
Open Skies in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities.
In: On Thin Ice? Perspectives on Arctic Security, edited by Duncan Depledge, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 91-106. Peterborough, ON: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN). -
Graef, Alexander. 2020.
Saving the Open Skies Treaty: Challenges and possible scenarios after the U.S. withdrawal.
Policy Brief. London: European Leadership Network.
Commentaries and other Publications
Graef, Alexander,
Tim Thies. 2024.
Missiles on the Move: Why Us Long-Range Missiles in Germany Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg.
In: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists