Publications by Anne Menzel
Books and Edited Volumes
Menzel, Anne. 2015.
Was vom Krieg übrig bleibt: Unfriedliche Beziehungen in Sierra Leone.
Bielefeld: transcript. DOI: 10.14361/transcript.9783839427798.
Journal Articles
Menzel, Anne,
Mariam Salehi. 2024.
Global Hierarchies and Unequal Pressures in the Report-Making of Truth Commissions.
International Studies Review 26 (2): viae022. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viae022. -
Menzel, Anne,
Lisa Tschörner. 2022.
Responding to Sexual Violence: How (De-) Politicization and Technicalization Shape Donor-Funded Interventions.
International Peacekeeping 30 (1): 128-154. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2022.2157820. -
Ibrahim, Aisha Fofana,
Alice James,
Mariatu Kabba,
Aminata Kamara,
Anne Menzel,
Nicky Spencer-Coker. 2021.
Making Sense of Girls Empowerment in Sierra Leone: A Conversation.
International Politics Reviews 9 (2): 353-374. DOI: 10.1057/s41312-021-00130-0. -
Menzel, Anne. 2021.
Delivering Output and Struggling for Change: Tacit Activism among Professional Transitional Justice Work in Sierra Leone and Kenya.
Cooperation and Conflict 56 (4): 414-431. DOI: 10.1177/00108367211000800. -
Menzel, Anne. 2020.
The Pressures of Getting It Right: Expertise and Victims’ Voices in the Work of the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
International Journal of Transitional Justice 14 (2): 300-319. DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijaa011. -
Menzel, Anne. 2020.
The Perils of Recognising Local Agency: A Situational Concept of Agency and the Case of Victims of Sexual Violence and the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
Journal of International Relations and Development 23 (3): 584-606. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-018-0166-9. -
Menzel, Anne. 2019.
‘Without Education You Can Never Become President’: Teenage Pregnancy and Pseudo-empowerment in Post-Ebola Sierra Leone.
Journal of Intervention and Statebuiling 13 (4): 440-458. DOI: 10.1080/17502977.2019.1612992. -
Menzel, Anne. 2014.
Zwischen Herrschaftswissen und Irrelevanz? Feldforschung und das Ringen mit der Policy-Relevanz.
Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 3 (2): 264-283. DOI: 10.5771/2192-1741-2014-2-264. -
Chojnacki, Sven,
Anne Menzel. 2011.
Peacebuilding: am Scheideweg – oder in der Sackgasse?.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 52 (3): 504-536. DOI: 10.5771/0032-3470-2011-3-504. -
Menzel, Anne. 2011.
Between Ex-Combatization and Opportunities for Peace: The Double-Edged Qualities of Motorcycle-Taxi Driving in Urban Postwar Sierra Leone.
Africa Today 58 (2): 96-127. DOI: 10.2979/africatoday.58.2.97.
Book Chapters
Menzel, Anne. 2024.
Liberal Rationality and Its Unacknowledged Commitments: The Case of Rational Policymaking for Peace and Development.
In: The Liberal Script at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Conceptions, Components, and Tensions, edited by Tanja A. Börzel, Johannes Gerschewski, Michael Zürn, 317-335. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198924241.003.0016. -
Menzel, Anne. 2017.
Betterment Versus Complicity: Struggling with Patron – Client Logics in Sierra Leone.
In: Politics and Policies in Upper Guinea Coast Societies, edited by Christian K. Højbjerg, Jacqueline Knörr, William P. Murphy, 77-98. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-349-95013-3_4. -
Menzel, Anne. 2016.
From (Un)employment to Employability: Localized Neoliberal Norms and the Politics of Proper Progress in Sierra Leone.
In: Localization in Development Aid, edited by Thorsten Bonacker, Judith von Heusinger, Kerstin Zimmer, 208-230. London: Routledge. -
Chojnacki, Sven,
Anne Menzel. 2015.
State Failure and State Transformation.
In: The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, edited by Stephan Leibfried, Evelyne Huber, Matthew Lange, Jonah D. Levy, John D. Stephens, 745–760. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199691586.013.40. -
Menzel, Anne. 2010.
Nach dem Krieg – vor dem Frieden? Wie kriegerische Gewalt Nachkriegskontexte prägt.
In: Unsichere Zeiten. Herausforderungen gesellschaftlicher Transformationen. Verhandlungen des 34. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Jena 2008, CD-ROM, edited by Hans-Georg Soeffner. Wiesbaden: VS.
Working Papers and Policy Briefs
Menzel, Anne. 2023.
Situating Liberal Rationality. Unacknowledged Commitments in Progressive Knowledge Production and Policymaking.
SCRIPTS Working Paper 23. Berlin: Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”. -
Menzel, Anne. 2015.
Foreign Investment, Large-scale Land Deals, and Uncertain "Development" in Sierra Leone. Impacts, Conflicts, and Security Concerns.
CCS Working Paper 18. Marburg: Zentrum für Konfliktforschung.
Commentaries and other Publications
Menzel, Anne. 2021.
„Lokale“ Zivilgesellschaften und ihre Akteur*innen - was steckt in dieser räumlichen Zuschreibung?.
In: DVPW Blog -
Menzel, Anne. 2020.
Widerstand und Verschwörungstheorien in der Gesundheitskrise.
In: Soziopolis, Dossier: Sicherheit in der Krise -
Menzel, Anne. 2020.
Liberal Rationality and its Others in the Pandemic.
In: SCRIPTS Blog, No. 7 -
Menzel, Anne. 2020.
Positioniertheit im Gesundheitsnotstand: Wahrnehmungen, Auslassungen und Bewertungen im Kontext von Ebola und Corona (#WitnessingCorona).
In: Medizinethnologie -
Menzel, Anne,
Susanne Buckley-Zistel. 2019.
Sexuelle Gewalt in Konflikten: Endlich soll wirksam gehandelt werden – nur wie?.
In: DVPW Blog -
Menzel, Anne. 2018.
Building a Movement in a Projectized World: Wangu Kanja’s Struggle for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Kenya.
In: Mauerpark Institute Blog -
Menzel, Anne. 2018.
Geld ist unser Hauptproblem! Kann Aufklärung gewalthaltige Geschlechterverhältnisse verändern?.
In: W&F, Wissenschaft und Frieden 36 (3): 34-37 -
Menzel, Anne. 2017.
Sexual Violence in Post-ebola Sierra Leone: Old Problems and New Policy Priorities.
In: Mauerpark Institute Blog -
Menzel, Anne,
Anita Schroven. 2016.
The Morning After: Anthropology and the Ebola Hangover.
In: Blog of the Working Group „Integration and Conflict along the Upper Guinea Coast“ at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle -
Menzel, Anne,
Anita Schroven. 2016.
The Morning After: Ethnologie mit Ebola-Kater.
In: Medizinethnologie -
Menzel, Anne. 2014.
„Ebola ist nur eins unserer Probleme“ ‒ Ebola-Bewusstsein, Misstrauen und Entwicklungshoffnungen in Sierra Leone.
In: Medizinethnologie -
Menzel, Anne. 2011.
„We Don’t Even Have Toilets! How Can the Country Have Peace?“.
In: Powision 5 (1): 72-74