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The global politics of Digital Twins
The vision of the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) is bold: a…
Escalation risks of hypersonic boost-glide vehicles
Steve Fetter, Tim Thies and Victor MizinAvangard, Dark Eagle, or Dongfeng 17 – more and more countries are developing…
European climate solidarity: analysing a vague concept
Climate solidarity has become a core concept of the socio-ecological…
The European Union’s Normalisation Policies for Kosovo: Contributing to a Durable Peace?
For more than a decade, the European Union (EU) has engaged in efforts aiming at…
The Strategic Use of Legitimizing Norms in Unilateral Declarations of Independence
Norms can be instrumentalised and manipulated to serve any kind of interests:…
Germany and Europe after the end of the Ukraine war: three scenarios
Since war tends to escalate to extremes due to its internal dynamics, it must be…
From Climate Conflicts to Environmental Peacebuilding
Research has long studied whether climate change exacerbates the risks of…
Germany and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century: Atomic Zeitenwende?
This book, edited by Dr Ulrich Kühn, is the first scholarly book to take a…
Security Union: A View Into the “Engine Room” of European Integration
Since 2015, the European Union aims to establish a “Security Union” as a…What happens without the New START Treaty?
New Deep Cuts publication by Steven Pifer, Patricia Jaworek and Victor MizinDer New START-Vertrag ist der letzte noch verbliebene Rüstungskontrollvertrag…