European energy crisis: Dr Aline Bartenstein as a visiting researcher at Université Laval in Canada

The ongoing energy crisis in Europe continues to provoke lively discussions - even outside Europe. At the beginning of November, Dr Aline Bartenstein spent a week as a visiting researcher at the Université Laval in Quebec, Canada, to discuss current developments in European energy and climate policy.

As part of the autumn school (École d'automne en droit de l'Union européenne "Défis énergétiques de l'UE face aux enjeux sécuritaires et environnementaux contemporains"), Dr Aline Bartenstein gave a seminar on the topic of European energy solidarity. During the subsequent conference (Colloque international - Les Ateliers Schuman "Les défis énergétiques face aux enjeux sécuritaires et environnementaux contemporains - Perspectives transatlantique et internationale"), she presented a paper on the challenges of a solidary EU climate policy.

The conference papers will be published in an edited volume next year.