
Aline Bartenstein has been a Non-Resident Fellow at IFSH since July 2024 and an External Research Fellow at the Centre for Turkey and EU Studies (CETEUS) at the University of Cologne since February 2020. She worked from February 2021 - December 2023 in the project "Solidarity through Security? Discourses, Interactions and Practices of European Solidarity in the Field of Security" (ZUSE). From 2013 to 2020, she worked as a researcher at the Jean Monnet Chair for EU Studies (Prof. Wessels) at the University of Cologne. Aline Bartenstein studied Political Science, Energy Economics and European Studies in Cologne, Montpellier (France) and Brno (Czech Republic). 

Research Profile | Current Projects

In her dissertation, Aline Bartenstein developed a concept of solidarity between EU Member States and analysed why and in what form solidarity is applied in the energy policy legislative process. Her current research focuses on analysing solidarity in the EU, e.g. in the area of climate policy, and on researching European solidarity as a response to the various transnational crises. At IFSH, she conducted research on the topic of "Solidarity through security in the EU". A particular focus of her work was on the question of how solidarity is generated through security practices and routines in various political and administrative bodies at the EU level. Aline Bartenstein has published in the journals European Security, Global Social Policy and German Politics.

Selected Publications

  • Bartenstein, Aline, Wolfgang Wessels. 2024.
    German Claims for Leadership: From a Federalist to a Geopolitical Leadership Master Narrative.
    German Politics DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2024.2374371.
  • Bartenstein, Aline. 2024.
    Variations of European Climate Solidarity: From Intergovernmental to Social Solidarity Relations.
    Global Social Policy DOI: 10.1177/14680181241246759.
  • Bartenstein, Aline, Hendrik Hegemann, Oliver Merschel. 2024.
    The Everyday Life of a Security Project: The “Security Union” in the EU’s “Engine Room”.
    European Security DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2024.2319230.
  • Bartenstein, Aline, Hendrik Hegemann, Oliver Merschel. 2022.
    Vom Friedensprojekt zur Sicherheitsgarantin? Das neue Schutzversprechen der Europäischen Union in Zeiten existenzieller Ungewissheit.
    Integration 45 (4): 257-274. DOI: 10.5771/0720-5120-2022-4-257.
  • Bartenstein, Aline. 2021.
    The Concept of Solidarity. Energy Policy in the European Union.
    Studies on the European Union 18. Baden-Baden: Nomos. DOI: 10.5771/9783748927952.