In the face of multiple crises, EU institutions and member states increasingly highlight the EU’s role as provider of a comprehensive sense of security in uncertain times in order to foster cohesion within and between European societies. This project investigates how EU institutions and member states construct security as a new overarching narrative for European integration, how this is translated into concrete interactions between decision-makers and experts at the administrative level, and how citizens understand and experience the nexus of security and cohesion at the local level.

ZUSE is a joint research project by the IFSH and the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Teresa Koloma Beck) as well as the University of Tübingen (Prof. Dr. Thomas Diez). The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with a total amount of about 1.1 million Euros.

Duration: February 2021 – December 2023