
Since July 2019 Hendrik Hegemann is Senior Researcher in the “Societal Peace and Internal Security” research area. Previously, he worked as a Senior Lecturer and Interim Professor at the University of Osnabrück. Between 2008 and 2015, he was a Researcher and PhD Candidate at IFSH. Hendrik Hegemann studied Political Science, History and Public Law in Freiburg and Seattle. He obtained a PhD with a dissertation on the role of international bureaucracies in counterterrorism cooperation and a Habilitation with a study on the (de-)politicization of security, both at the University of Hamburg. He is also a co-speaker of the German Political Science Association’s working group on “Critical Security Studies”.

Research Profile | Current Projects

In his research, Hendrik Hegemann explores how liberal democracies deal with transnational security risks and multiple crises. This includes responses to terrorism, radicalization or climate change. He is interested in new practices and concepts of (in)security developing in this context and the consequences they might have for democratic politics and constructive conflict management. In recent projects, Hendrik Hegemann has dealt with the counterterrorism policies of liberal democracies, challenges to the state’s promise of security in times of crises, the EU as a security provider, and the politicization of security. He was the coordinator and co-PI of the research project “Cohesion through Security”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as well as a co-PI of a project on the politicization of European security which was funded by the German Research Council.

Selected Publications

  • Bartenstein, Aline, Hendrik Hegemann, Oliver Merschel. 2024.
    The Everyday Life of a Security Project: The “Security Union” in the EU’s “Engine Room”.
    European Security 34 (1): 85-106. DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2024.2319230.
  • Bartenstein, Aline, Hendrik Hegemann, Oliver Merschel. 2022.
    Vom Friedensprojekt zur Sicherheitsgarantin? Das neue Schutzversprechen der Europäischen Union in Zeiten existenzieller Ungewissheit.
    Integration 45 (4): 257-274. DOI: 10.5771/0720-5120-2022-4-257.
  • Hegemann, Hendrik. 2021.
    Normalisierung des Ausnahmezustands? Freiheit und Sicherheit in liberalen Demokratien nach 9/11.
    Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 71 (28-29): 22-28.
  • Hegemann, Hendrik, Ulrich Schneckener. 2019.
    Politicising European Security: From Technocratic to Contentious Politics?.
    European Security 28 (2): 133-152. DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2019.1624533.
  • Hegemann, Hendrik. 2018.
    Toward ‘Normal’ Politics? Security, Parliaments and the Politicisation of Intelligence Oversight in the German Bundestag.
    British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (1): 175-190. DOI: 10.1177/1369148117745683.