Deputy Director, Head of Research Area and a sought-after media interviewee as an expert on terrorism and extremism: PD Dr Martin Kahl was a pillar at the IFSH. After 21 years at the institute, he has now retired. Institute Director Prof. Dr Ursula Schröder paid tribute to his outstanding achievements not only in research and teaching, but especially in the further development of the institute: “Without Martin Kahl’s outstanding research achievements and sustained commitment, our research area, Societal Peace and Internal Security would not exist. With his comprehensive expertise in peace and conflict studies, his commitment to mentoring his team and our students, and his support for the strategic development of the institute's work, he was a pillar of the IFSH.”
Martin Kahl was founder and head of the research area Societal Peace and Internal Security at the IFSH. For the first time in the more than 50-year history of the institute, the subjects of extremism, radicalization, internal upheaval and social dislocation have since been bundled and systematically researched within a broader research context. Martin Kahl and his team have repeatedly succeeded in acquiring major third-party funded projects, which have received extensive support from the EU, federal ministries and the German Research Foundation (DFG). He also understood how to make abstract scientific findings available to politics, the media and society. Due to their daily relevance, the topics of the research area "Societal Peace and Internal Security" are in high demand – not only from political decision-makers, but also in particular from representatives of the media. Martin Kahl met this demand, gave interviews, and was a frequent guest on television and radio shows.
He began his academic career in Münster, Westphalia. There, Martin Kahl studied political science, sociology and philosophy at the Westphalian Wilhelms University and completed his doctorate on American nuclear strategy and arms control. In 2018, he completed his habilitation at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg with a thesis on preventive counter-terrorism.
With great applause, a specially composed song, and numerous presents, his colleagues said goodbye to him. Kahl announced that he will continue to take over one or two media requests and publications in the future. However, after so many years of work with a strict schedule, Martin Kahl is also looking forward to finally having time to travel, as he summarized on his last day at work.