Germany and Europe after the Ukraine war

[Translate to English:] Senior Fellow Dr. Hans-Georg Ehrhart war lange Zeit Forschungsbereichsleiter am IFSH. (c) IFSH

"Since war has a tendency to escalate into extremes, it must be politically contained with the aim of ending it as soon as possible and preventing it in the future”, writes Dr. Hans-Georg Ehrhart in his latest article for Centrum Balticum. This is especially necessary when, as in the case of the Ukraine war, nuclear powers are directly and indirectly involved. It is therefore useful to establish hypotheses about possible consequences and risks. The author starts from three possible scenarios and draws different conclusions for Germany and Europe. His core demand is that Germany should invest more than ever in European integration.

Hans-Georg Ehrhart: Germany and Europe after the Ukraine war. In: Baltic Rim Economies, 4/2024.