Interested Hamburgers visit IFSH

Dr Hendrik Hegemann explained how peace research can offer constructive solutions in times of crisis and war. (c) privat


Within the framework of the forum “Ask the IFSH”, the IFSH invites interested Hamburgers to talk to the institute’s scientists and learn about current peace and security policy issues.
In this context, a group of people from the Adult Education Centre Volkshochschule (VHS) Hamburg visited the IFSH on 20th of July 2022. The researchers Reem Ahmed and Dr Hendrik Hegemann gave an insight into the work of the institute under the title “The world in sight from Hamburg. Peace research between neighbourhood and world politics.” The scientists explained to the visitors what peace research is about and how it contributes to a constructive and non-violent conflict resolution. Moreover, they highlighted the different expectations and demands on peace research and explained the different forms of peace and conflict from the big world stage to our own doorstep.

Afterwards, there has been a lively discussion with the scholars. The visitors were very eager to learn more about methods and findings of peace research, and conditions of peace. Furthermore, they asked for the scientists’ assessment on specific issues, e.g. the war in Ukraine or right-wing extremist hate speech in social media.
This event was part of a dialogue series (“Komplizen der Zukunft”) offered by the Adult Education Centre VHS Hamburg. Within this context people have the chance to look behind the scenes and visit places in Hamburg where the future is being shaped.