Joint research project NEOVEX presents successful mid-term review

The scientists and partners involved in the joint project "NEOVEX" met in June for a "mid-term review" of the project at IFSH in Hamburg.

The research project Patterns and Dynamics of Conspiracy Theories and Far-Right Ideologies in Times of Crisis – NEOVEX has been running since January 2022. The project team analyses the transnational manifestations of conspiracy theories and right-wing extremist ideologies and their violence-legitimizing functions. Moreover, the project examines the transnational entanglements and networks of the relevant actors and how technology companies deal with conspiracy theory and right-wing extremist content. The research project is led by the IFSH and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The research network also includes the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society (IDZ), the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin and the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

After one and a half years of work the project team has presented a progress report on what has been achieved so far:

During the so-called milestone-conference at the IFSH on 22 June, the researchers presented the current status of the project and the findings of the various sub-projects to the practical partners and the VDI Technology Centre. All partners received positive feedback from the participants of the conference, and there has been a lively exchange based on the presented results. The discussions revealed potential for further cooperation opportunities and practice-relevant research desiderata. There were also interdisciplinary small-group workshops. Here the participants exchanged ideas about intervention and prevention possibilities against conspiracy theories. Depending on the groups, the focus was on politics, civil society or tech companies. The results were presented in plenary and thoroughly discussed.

Further information on the NEOVEX joint project can be found on the project page.