In their article "Bug Bounties: Between New Regulations and Geopolitical Dynamics", Dr Jantje Silomon, Dr Mischa Hansel and Fabiola Schwarz focus on bug bounty programmes (BBP) and their impact on global cyber security. The study is conceptually based on the theory of global public goods. Several case studies illuminate the emerging regulatory and political approaches in China and the European Union as well as their possible effects.
The article "Bug Bounties: Between New Regulations and Geopolitical Dynamics" for the 2 March 2022 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security can be accessed at
In another recent publication, the three authors Dr. Jantje Silomon, Dr. Mischa Hansel and Fabiola Schwarz deal with implications related to he topic of software vulnerability disclosure. In doing so, they primarily aim at gaining a deeper understanding about roles,motivations and practices of the transnationally organized community of security researchers. Furthermore, they argue that especially liberal democratic states in particular need to clarify and promote their understanding of responsible disclosure at the international level.
The article "Empowering Security Researchers Will Improve Global Cybersecurity " for JUST SECURITY dated 06/05/2022 can be accessed at