Peace Report 2022 published – Presentation at the Federal Press Conference in Berlin

The war of aggression against Ukraine and the violation of international law has not only brought immeasurable suffering to the civilian population but has also shaken the European peace order. In the 2022 Peace Report, Germany’s leading peace research institutions analyse why it was possible for another hot war to break out in the middle of Europe and what political, economic and social consequences it will have in the global context.

The time to plan for the aftermath of war is now, according to the researchers. The Peace Report 2022 is titled “Capable of Peace in Times of War”. It comprises 150 pages of analysis and recommendations.

What is needed now in particular is the EU’s peacebuilding capabilities. Moreover, it is essential that the decision-making processes in the EU be reformed so that Europe can become more agile and capable of acting through foreign and security policy. In addition, the peace researchers also warn of food crises due to rising commodity and food prices. This applies to African countries especially, as they are dependent on wheat imports from Russia and Ukraine.

Reducing the risk of nuclear escalation

Moreover, the peace report deals with the geostrategic consequences of the war. For example, the editors discuss the emergence of a new Russian-Chinese alliance and analyse its security policy risks. Given that international arms control treaties are expiring or eroding, the war in Ukraine increases the risk of nuclear weapon use, according to the peace researchers. Thus, they demand that NATO send a clear signal and issue a binding renunciation of the use of nuclear weapons in order to deter a nuclear attack and avoid a new arms race.

Using sanctions wisely

Furthermore, the peace report also deals with the conditions for successful sanctions. Sanctions have been a popular instrument of foreign policy and are being used, for example, for deterrence and to exert pressure on states violating international law. However, sanctions can also intensify the plight of population groups and promote corruption and repression. Therefore, it is important to communicate sanctions clearly and to monitor their success or failure. In addition, it is also important to define clear requirements and have a roadmap for lifting and easing sanctions, for example in the event of a ceasefire in Ukraine.

Number of violent conflicts increases again

Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine is overshadowing other violent conflicts around the world, the number of which has again increased. Africa, in particular, is regarded as a crisis hotspot. In 2020, there were 128 conflicts around the world and 78 of them took place in Africa. This is mainly attributed to the rise of jihadist groups, according to the researchers. In another chapter, the Peace Report 2022 deals with feminist foreign policy and how it can help to better understand causes of wars and conflicts, especially when a dangerous understanding of masculinity gives rise to imperial claims.

Finally, the report advocates for democratic control of national security institutions, given that they have gained more authority and power as a result of terrorist threats, the pandemic and extremism.

Following the press conference, the institutes will also present the Peace Report to the Federal Chancellor’s Office, the Office of the Federal President, ministries, and parliamentary groups. There will also be several events for interested members of the public. An event with the “Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin”, which is expected to be attended by the Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, has been postponed until September.

You can watch the Federal Press Conference event in the ARD media library or on

Click here for the press release (in German).

Please visit the website to find out more about the peace report.

About the Peace Report

The annual Peace Report is a joint publication of the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC), the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF). In that report, Germany’s leading peace and conflict research institutes analyse current international conflicts, highlight trends in international foreign, security and development policy, and make recommendations for peace and security policy. Authors from various disciplines e.g. political science, sociology, ethnology, physics and religious studies work together on the chapters and bring in their scientific approach.

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(c) dpa Picture Alliance | Frederik Kern