Time for Big Picture Thinking

Dr. Barbara Kunz

Dr. Barbara Kunz

In her latest publication in the academic journal Internationale Politik Quarterly senior IFSH researcher Barbara Kunz analyses the progress of EU-NATO relations of the past decades. Cooperation between the EU and NATO seems at best obvious since they share the same strategic environment and face the same threats. The relationship was never defined nor moved to a next level, however the surrounding circumstances for both, the EU and NATO, have changed over the past 20 years. Barbara Kunz names two key questions that need to be answered: the division of labour between EU and NATO and even more so the underlying uncertainty of EU – US relations. Concluding that key questions are still unanswered and that big picture thinking in the context of strategic processes in the EU and NATO is required. 

Read more: https://ip-quarterly.com/en/time-big-picture-thinking