Video Online: "It's (not) rocket science" - rocket potentials explained in an understandable way

IFSH contribution to the German Forum on Security Policy 2023

Rockets explained in an understandable way: Dr. Markus Schiller (below), Dr. Tobias Fella (right) and Anja Dahlmann are experts in the field.

The use of missiles in military contexts, the entities they pose threats to, and the ways they can be averted or effectively controlled through arms control policies have been extensively discussed over time. This is particularly evident in the public reporting on North Korea's missile tests, possible progress in Iran's nuclear weapons program, and in connection with Russia's missile attacks on Ukraine. Within the framework of this year's German Forum on Security Policy of the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS), the Berlin Office of IFSH hosted an online discussion on May 23rd, focusing on the threats posed by missiles and potential methods for metigation.
Titled "It's (not) Rocket Science - Global Missile Potentials and Possibilities for Arms Control", the aim of the discussion was to gain a better understanding of the technical threat potentials associated with these weapons systems. Dr Markus Schiller, an aerospace engineer, provided an introduction to the technical fundamentals of these technologies and the developmental status in various countries. Subsequently, Dr Tobias Feller, an arms control expert at IFSH, explained the political dimensions of these developments. In particular, he addressed the current challenges of arms control. Moreover, he outlined options for addressing the international threats posed by nuclear and conventional missiles.

In the further course of the event, the experts responded to numerous questions from the audience, which included representatives from academia, professional communities as well as political decision-makers from parliament and government. Anja Dahlmann, Head of the Berlin Office of IFSH, moderated the discussion.

You can find the video of the event (in German) on the IFSH-YouTube-Chanel.