Recent news
CORE at the OSCE Security Days
On November 10, Wolfgang Zellner and Ulrich Kühn took part as panelists in an expert roundtable convened by the OSCE. The roundtable was dedicated to the issue of conventional arms control as well as…
New Publication: Radicalization | Oxford Handbook of European Islam
Daniela Pisoiu: Radicalization, in Cesari, Jocelyn (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of European Islam, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 770-801.
Global News article on the relationship between a more active German foreign policy and a more restrictive arms export policy
Article on the relationship between a more active German foreign policy and a more restrictive arms export policy in Global News with excerpts from an interview with Michael Brzoska:
Central Europe and Nuclear Security: Mission Accomplished?
On 16 September, 2014 Katarzyna Kubiak delivered a speech on “Engagement of Central Europeans in the Nuclear Security Summit process: Input and achievements of the Central European Countries”, held by…
Award for Article 'Pragmatic persuasion in counterterrorism'
Daniela Pisoiu's article 'Pragmatic persuasion in counterterrorism' was runner-up at the bi-annual competition for best article of the journal Critical Studies on Terrorism.
All the articles are…
New Publication: Conflict Mediation in the Middle East. Lessons from Egypt as a Mediator and Object of Mediation.
Johannsen, Margret und Christian Weidlich, mit Felix Eickeberg, Marc Finaud, Mohammed Norman Galal, Jan Hückmann, Anat Kurz und Irene Weipert-Fenner: Conflict Mediation in the Middle East. Lessons…
DW Agenda - Talk Show: European Jihadists, ISIS, Foley-killing
Matenia Sirseloudi was invited to the globally broadcasted Deutsche Welle talkshow "Agenda". The topics discussed were "European Jihadists - How Can Radicalization Be Countered? (Matenia Sirseloudi),…
Researchers from IFSH at the Global International Studies Conference
Eight scientists from the IFSH (Raphael Bossong, Michael Brzoska, Hendrik Hegemann, Regina Heller, Christiane Fröhlich, Kerstin Petretto, Sybille Reinke de Buitrago und Delf Rothe) participated in the…
IFSH news 105 (April - July 2014) published
IFSH news 105 (July) 2014 has been published and is downloadable here.
Hessian Peace Price 2014 - Laudation for Rubem Cesar Fernandes
The Hessian Peace Price for 2014 was awarded to Rubem Cesar Fernandes on July 2014 for his work against violence in Rio de Janeiro and his contribution to small arms control in particular. Michael…