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Reshaping towards covered operations and extrajudicial killing
The method of Osama bin Laden’s killing confirms a development in the US counter-terrorism approach that could be called the “Obama doctrine”. This doctrine increasingly focuses on covert…Discussing Concepts of Terrorist Rationality
Eric van Um
Discussing Concepts of Terrorist Rationality: Implications for Counterterrorism Policy, in: Defence and Peace Economics 22(2), 2011, S. 161-179.
Der Nahost-Konflikt
Margret Johannsen
Der Nahost-Konflikt 3., akt. Auflage, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011.
Notions of (in)security within the EU
Regina Heller
Notions of (in)security within the EU. How European policy-makers view the sources and costs of terrorism and organised crime, in: Defence and Peace Economics 22(2), 2011, S.…
In the Middle of Nowhere – The OSCE’s Astana Summit
The OSCE’s first Summit since eleven yearsend s with a bitter taste of realpolitical disillusionment. Frankly speaking, none of the pressing issues on the Organization’s agenda was successfully dealt…
Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan: political and ethical dilemmas
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has clarified a bit of the German debate when he characterised the Afghanistan conflict as a “non-international armed conflict”. Indeed, it is a warlike…
Key Challenges for European Policy: The Case of Palestine
Like may of today’s asymmetrical wars, the violent conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will not be resolved by military means. In this case, victory for one side and defeat for the other are…
Goodbye, European Army – A Comment on the Consequences of the German Constitutional Court’s Ruling on the Lisbon Treaty
The Germa Constitutional Court has decided! The political tenor of the unanimous ruling will have long-term repercussions. It remains to be seen whether this is really the end of the European…
Bienvenue Grande Nation: The return of France in NATO’s military integrated structures
The return of France into NATO’s integrated military command structures can be called a second Saint-Malo. In 1998 the British-French Declaration of Saint-Malo paved the way for the establishment of…
End Annapolis – Try a new approach
While on her twentieth flight to the Middle East in early November, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters that Israel and the Palestinians had never before come so close to resolving…