Efficient, democratically controlled security sectors are an important requirement for peace, security and sustainable development, especially in fragile and crisis-affected states. Accordingly, security sector reform (SSR) projects aim to strengthen security institutions regarding their ability to effectively provide security for the population while acting in accordance with the rule of law, transparency and human rights.
The project provides research-based findings to the Federal Foreign Office and supports the institution through the development of staff training curricula and direct input regarding its SSR projects. In particular, we accompany the implementation of the Interministerial Strategy to Support Security Sector Reform. There, the Federal Government commits itself to observe central principles and objectives and stresses the importance of interministerial co-operation. These commitments are in line with those self-imposed pledges stemming from the Federal Government's guidelines "Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace". We support the Directorate General for Crisis Prevention, Stabilisation, Peace Building and Humanitarian Assistance at the Federal Foreign Office by promoting and accompanying knowledge exchange activities between departments, ministries, academia and practice. We also analyze security sectors in priority countries and identify suitable SSR project portfolio designs.
Recent Activities