
Stephen Albrecht has been a researcher at IFSH since February 2022. He is part of the project "Patterns and Dynamics of Conspiracy Theories and Far-Right Ideologies in Times of Crisis" (NEOVEX), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Between 2017 and 2021, Stephen Albrecht also worked as a student assistant and later as a research assistant in the projects PANDORA and KURI at the IFSH. He studied history at the University of Hamburg.

Research Profile | Current Projects

During his studies, Stephen Albrecht focused on the historical dimensions of right-wing extremism/terrorism. As part of the PANDORA project, he expanded his research profile to include the thematic focus of digital and transnational aspects of right-wing extremism, radicalization, and right-wing terrorism. In particular, the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in empirical research on these issues is a central focus of Stephen Albrecht's work. As part of the NEOVEX project, he is investigating the complex dynamics and transnational manifestations of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and right-wing extremist ideologies.

Selected Publications

  • Albrecht, Stephen, Maik Fielitz. 2023.
    IronMarch: Die digitale Schmiede des internationalen Rechtsterrorismus.
    In: Rechter Terrorismus: international – digital – analog, edited by Marc Coester, Anna Daun, Florian Hartleb, Christoph Kopke, Vincenz Leuschner, 411-437. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-40396-6_16.
  • Albrecht, Stephen, Martin Kahl, Janina Pawelz. 2021.
    Ressentiment und Hass in den sozialen Medien Facebook und der Fall Arnsdorf.
    Research Report 007. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-research-report-007.
  • Albrecht, Stephen, Merle Strunk. 2021.
    Memes für die Massen: Rechtspopulistische Fake-Accounts und ihre visuellen Strategien.
    In: Bilder, soziale Medien und das Politische, edited by Heike Kanter, Michael Brandmayr, Nadja Köffler, 149-180. Bielefeld: transcript. DOI: 10.14361/9783839450406-007.
  • Albrecht, Stephen, Maik Fielitz. 2020.
    Rechtsterrorismus im digitalen Zeitalter.
    In: Wissen schafft Demokratie: Schwerpunkt Rechtsterrorismus, edited by Matthias Quent, Samuel Salzborn, Axel Salheiser, 176-187. Berlin: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.
  • Fielitz, Maik, Stephen Albrecht. 2019.
    Wechselseitige Verstärkung von Demokratiefeindlichkeit: Zur Funktionalität von islamistischen und muslimfeindlichen Feindbildern.
    In: Das Extremismusmodell, edited by Philip Baron, Ansgar Drücker, Sebastian Seng, 62-67. Düsseldorf: Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e.V..