
Vojtěch Drápal is senior researcher and coordinator of the master’s program „Peace and Security Studies“ at IFSH. Previously, he worked as researcher and lecturer at the faculty of social sciences at the University of Hamburg, teaching in Political Science, International Criminology and Sociology. After studying political science at the Freie Universität Berlin, Philipps-Universität of Marburg and Charles University of Prague, he received his PhD with a thesis on Michel Foucault’s conception of genealogy and its relation to the modern idea of progress. 

Research Profile | Current Projects

In his research, Vojtěch Drápal focusses on the history and present of the modern horizon of expectations (i.e. the emergence and erosion of the concepts of history and progress), as well as with the history and present of modern statehood, with a special focus on its punishing dimension and the corresponding transformation of security practices in so-called late modernity. Michel Foucault’s historicizing analysis of ‚forms of subjectification‘ and Reinhart Koselleck’s conceptual history were his main methodological tools. 

Selected Publications

  • Drápal, Vojta, Susanne Krasmann. 2023.
    Über den Nutzen und Nachteil der Genealogie für das Leben.
    In: Leben Regieren. Natur, Technologie und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Katharina Hoppe, Jonas Rüppel, Franziska von Verschuer, Torsten H. Voigt, 95-110. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
  • Drápal, Vojta. 2020.
    „Doch gehen wir zurück zum Anfang" - Foucaults genealogische Kritik des Rechts.
    In: "Fragmente eines Willens zum Wissen". Michel Foucaults Vorlesungen 1970 - 1984, edited by Frieder Vogelmann, 35-50. Berlin: J. B. Metzler.
  • Drápal, Vojta, Christine Hentschel, Susanne Krasmann. 2016.
    Nackte Macht. Donald Trump und die Rückkehr der Souveränität.
    In: Soziopolis - Gesellschaft beobachten, Essay