
Hans-Georg Ehrhart has been a Senior Research Fellow since October 2018. He was born in Bonn in 1955. He studied political science, sociology and philosophy in Bonn and received his doctorate in 1986 with a thesis on "The German Question from a French Perspective". He completed research at the Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense nationale, Paris (1988) and at the Centre for International Relations of Queen's University (1993) and was Senior Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Security Studies of the EU in Paris (2001). From 1987 to 1989, he worked as a research fellow in the Security and Disarmament Study Group of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Research Institute. In 1989 he became a research assistant at the IFSH. From 2008 to 2018, he headed the Center for European Peace and Security Studies (ZEUS).

Research Profile | Current Projects

Hans-Georg Ehrhart conducts research on peace and conflict research as well as international relations. His current focus is on war and peace. In recent years he has organised national and international conferences on this topic, for example "In Search of a Local Turn in Military Crisis Management: the Role of Local Security Actors and the Interventionist's Expectations of Operations" in Vienna in 2018, "Sliding out of control? Consequences of changes in warfare by major military powers from the Global North for the containment of warfare" in Hamburg in 2017, and "Hybrid Wars" in 2015 in Berlin. In addition, he has long dealt with the EU and NATO, Franco-German relations, the Bundeswehr, maritime security, security sector reform and security governance.

Selected Publications

  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2023.
    Deutschland und Europa nach dem Ukrainekrieg in 2025: Drei Szenarien.
    Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 16 (4): 377-387. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-023-00962-8.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2023.
    Germany and Europe after the Ukraine War in 2025: Three Scenarios.
    In: Putin's War in Ukraine, Volume 2. Different Aspects and Challenges of the War. (Sõjateadlane 23/2023), edited by Vladimir Sazonov, Andres Saumets, 199-211. Tartu: Kaitseväe Akadeemia. DOI: 10.15157/st.vi23.24205.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2023.
    Germany and Europe after the Ukraine War in 2025: Three Scenarios.
    In: Putin's War in Ukraine, Volume 2. Different Aspects and Challenges of the War. (Sõjateadlane 23/2023), edited by Vladimir Sazonov, Andres Saumets, 199-211. Tartu: Kaitseväe Akadeemia. DOI: 10.15157/st.vi23.24205.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2023.
    Germany and Europe after the Ukraine War in 2025: Three Scenarios.
    In: Putin's War in Ukraine, Volume 2. Different Aspects and Challenges of the War. (Sõjateadlane 23/2023), edited by Vladimir Sazonov, Andres Saumets, 199-211. Tartu: Kaitseväe Akadeemia. DOI: 10.15157/st.vi23.24205.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2022.
    Langer Krieg oder „kalter Frieden“ in Europa? Der Ukrainekrieg als Eskalationsrisiko.
    Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 15 (4): 415-427. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-022-00927-3.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2022.
    Für ein "gaullistisches" Deutschland in einem Europa der Vaterländer.
    In: »… aber eine Chance haben wir«. Zum 100. Geburtstag von Egon Bahr, edited by Peter Brandt, Hans-Joachim Gießmann, Götz Neuneck, 250-264. Bonn: Dietz.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2021.
    L’Allemagne, la Bundeswehr et « la guerre hybride ».
    Allemagne d'aujourd'hui 235: 149-158. DOI: 10.3917/all.235.0149.
  • Ehrhart, Hans-Georg. 2021.
    Krieg und postmoderne Kriegführung im 21. Jahrhundert: Zwischen Be- und Entgrenzung kollektiver kriegerischer Gewalt in der Weltrisikogesellschaft.
    In: Radikalität und Zukunft des Krieges, edited by Burkhard Liebsch, 127-142. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag. DOI: 10.5771/9783748910909-127.