
Christian Fröhlich is a researcher in the research project "Spaces of Peace. Imaginaries of peace in the Russian and Ukrainian diaspora in Germany and their potential for conflict transformation" at IFSH. He studied cultural studies and sociology at the University of Leipzig and St. Petersburg State University. At Södertörn University (Sweden), he worked on several comparative cultural projects on social movements. In 2014, he completed his doctorate at Leipzig University on the topic of global cultural influences on civil society work with people with disabilities in Russia. From 2016 to 2022, he worked first as an assistant and then as an associate professor in sociology at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, where he also led the international master's programme in comparative social research. Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, he has worked in Berlin at the Free University and at the Hertie School.

Research Profile | Current Projects

Christian Fröhlich conducts research from an international comparative perspective on civil society and civic engagement in Russia and the CIS states and also focusses on the social inclusion of people with disabilities in these countries. Theoretically, he is concerned with the conditions and possibilities of civil society development and social participation in non-democratic social contexts. In his current project at IFSH, his research interest is focussed on ideas and constructions of the meaning of peace in the Russian and Ukrainian diasporas in Germany. In particular, he is investigating which everyday patterns of interpretation and practice can establish peaceful coexistence and thus contribute to conflict transformation.