Latest releases
New Publication: Special Issue - Status and emotions in Russian foreign policy
Status and emotions in Russian foreign policy, in: Communist and Post-Communist…
New Publication: Russia's quest for respect in the international conflict management in Kosovo
Russia's quest for respect in the international conflict management in Kosovo…
Deep Cuts Issue Brief Analyzes Russia's Nuclear Posture
In their Issue Brief Vincent Fournier and Ulrich Kühn analyze the current…
New Publication: Climate Change and Civil Wars
The question whether it can be shown statistically, that indicators of climate…
New publication: The porous borders of extremism
Daniela Pisoiu and Felix Lang: The porous borders of extremism: Autonomous…
New Publication: Special Issue - Subcultures, violent radicalization and terrorism
Daniela Pisoiu (editor): Special Issue - Subcultures, violent radicalization and…
New publication: Daniela Pisoiu/Eric van Um: Dealing with uncertainty: the illusion of knowledge in the study of counterterrorism effectiveness
Daniela Pisoiu/Eric van Um: Dealing with uncertainty: the illusion of knowledge…
New publication: Constructions of Effectiveness and the Rationalization of Counterterrorism Policy: The Case of Biometric Passports
Hendrik Hegemann/Martin Kahl: Constructions of Effectiveness and the …
New Publication: Radicalization | Oxford Handbook of European Islam
Daniela Pisoiu: Radicalization, in Cesari, Jocelyn (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of…
New Publication: Conflict Mediation in the Middle East. Lessons from Egypt as a Mediator and Object of Mediation.
Johannsen, Margret und Christian Weidlich, mit Felix Eickeberg, Marc Finaud,…