Latest releases
New Publication: Civil Security and the European Union
Arjen Boin, Raphael Bossong, Hendrik Hegemann et al. 2014. Civil Security and…
Special Section in "Critical Studies on Terrorism"
"Critical Studies on Terrorism" has published a Special Section on "The “dark”…
New Publication: U.S. Nuclear Force Structure and Deep Reductions
The first Deep Cuts working paper by Ivan Oelrich analyzes the current U.S.…
New Publication: Media Discourse on Jihadist Terrorism in Europe
Reinke de Buitrago, Sybille. Media Discourse on Jihadist Terrorism in Europe.…
New Publication: Studying 'Effectiveness' in International Relations
Edited Volume on Effectiveness Research Hendrik Hegemann, Regina Heller and…
Humanitarian, Development, and Private Security Actors in the Field: A Security Analysis in Somalia
Amada Guidero: Humanitarian, Development, and Private Security Actors in the…
Pragmatic persuasion in counterterrorism
Daniela Pisoiu: Pragmatic persuasion in counterterrorism, in: Critical Studies…
Afghanistan in the Balance. Counterinsurgency, Comprehensive Approach, and Political Order
Hans-Georg Ehrhart/Sven Gareis/Charles Pentland (Eds.), Afghanistan in the…
The ‘dark’ side of normative argumentation – The case of counterterrorism policy
Regina Heller, Martin Kahl, Daniela Pisoiu
The ‘dark’ side of normative…
OSCE Yearbook 2011 published
The OSCE Yearbook 2011 has been published by NOMOS Verlag and can be ordered…