Latest releases
New Publication: Self-Other Constructions, Difference and Threat: U.S. and Arab ‘Othering’ of Iran
Sybille Reinke de Buitrago: Self-Other Constructions, Difference and Threat:…
New Publication: European Civil Security Governance
Raphael Bossong and Hendrik Hegemann (eds.):
European Civil Security…
New Publication: Neuerscheinung: Seeking recognition. Palestinian state-building beyond Oslo
Margret Johannsen: Seeking recognition. Palestinian state-building beyond Oslo,…
New Publication: Putting Security Governance to the Test
Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Hendrik Hegemann and Martin Kahl (Eds.). Putting Security…
New Publication: Trapped in Refuge: The Syrian Crisis in Jordan Worsens
Christiane Fröhlich and Matthew R. Stevens, "Trapped in Refuge: The Syrian…
New Publication: Understanding Russia
Ulrich Kühn argues, contrary to many analysts, that Russia is continuing to…
New Deep Cuts Working Paper by Alexey Arbatov
New Publication: Zeus Working Paper on "Foreign fighters"
Reem Ahmed & Daniela Pisoiu: Foreign fighters: An overview of existing…
New Publication: European Peace and Security Policy: Transnational Risks of Violence
Michael Brzoska (ed.): European Peace and Security Policy: Transnational Risks…
New Publication: International Counterterrorism Bureaucracies in the United Nations and the European Union
Hendrik Hegemann: International Counterterrorism Bureaucracies in the United…