Latest releases
ifsh news 115 (May - June 2016) published
ifsh news 115 (May - June 2016) are now available.
New Publication: Difference and Threat: Iran still a Threatening 'Other' in U.S. Security Policy Discourse
Reinke de Buitrago, Sybille. 2016. Difference and Threat: Iran still a…
Third Report of the Deep Cuts Commission Released
The third report of the Deep Cuts Commission ("Back from the Brink: Toward…
New Publication: The role of emotions in US security policy towards Iran
Reinke de Buitrago, Sybille. 2016. The role of emotions in US security policy…
New Publication: Climate Migrants as Protestors? Dispelling Misconceptions about Global Environmental Change in Pre-Revolutionary Syria
Fröhlich, Christiane. 2016. Climate Migrants as Protestors? Dispelling…
New Publication: IFAR Food for Thought Paper - Autonomy of Weapon Systems
New Publication: Christian Alwardt and Martin Krüger: Autonomy of Weapon…
ifsh news 113 published
ifsh news 113 (December 2015 - February 2016) has been published.
New Publication: The EU’s Normative Power in Action: Minority Rights Conditionality and the Western Balkan Roma
Murat Önsoy and Zeynep Arkan: The EU’s Normative Power in Action: Minority…
New Publication: Forum on "Deter and Engage: Making the Case for Harmel 2.0"
The recent issue of New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central &…
IFSH NEWS special edition 7 available
Topic of the 7th edition: EU Borders and Shifting International Security.…