Latest releases
New publication: Hobsbawm in Trinidad: understanding contemporary modalities of urban violence
Eric Hobsbawm’s milestone work Bandits is attentive to the rural poor and…
New publication: Gendarmeries in Multinational Operations
Cornelius Friesendorf (2017): Gendarmeries in Multinational Operations, in:…
New publication: How Western Soldiers Fight: Organizational Routines in Multinational Missions
In contemporary missions, soldiers often face unconventional opponents rather…
New publication: Chapter in: Flucht, Transit, Asyl: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein europäisches Versprechen
Sybille Reinke de Buitrago analyzes in her chapter of the edited volume aspects…
New Publication: “Everyday Peace” in Jabbor Rasulov, Tajikistan: Local Social Order and Possibilities for a Local Turn in Peace Building
Hojiev, Khushbakht / Anna Kreikemeyer. 2018. “Everyday Peace” in Jabbor Rasulov,…
New Publication: Researching Emotions in International Relations
Heller, Regina (2018): More Rigor to Emotions! A Comparative Qualitative Content…
New Publications: Security Narratives in Europe - A Surprising Variety
Wolfgang Zellner (ed.): Security Narratives in Eruope. A Wide Range of Views,…
New publication: Global Security in a Posthuman Age? IR and the Anthropocene Challenge
Delf Rothe published a chapter in the recent edited volume "Reflections on the…
New Publication: Seeing like a Satellite: Remote Sensing and the Ontological Politics of Environmental Security
Delf Rothe’s peer-reviewed article „Seeing like a Satellite: Remote Sensing and…
New Publication: Postmodern warfare and the blurred boundaries between war and peace
Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Postmodern warfare and the blurred boundaries between war…