Latest releases
New Publication: Risk Representations in the Arctic
Dr. Sybille Reinke de BuitragoIn her article, “Risk Representations and Confrontational Actions in the Arctic”…
New Publication: Ban Treaty
Dr. Moritz KüttTogether with Zia Mian, a researcher at the Program on Science and Global…
New IFSH Policy Brief
Thomas ReinholdInternet crime, espionage and military attacks from the internet present…
Digital Fascism
Maik Fielitz und Holger MarcksHow can the phenomenon of digital fascism be grasped? What challenges does it…
New publication: Europe and the INF crisis
Dr. Ulrich KühnEurope is facing a new debate about nuclear weapons. The crisis surrounding the…
New Publication: British Operations Among the People and Civilian Risk
Dr. habil. Cornelius FriesendorfDebates on military intervention and small wars often include the claim that…
New Publication: Post-Digital Cultures of the Far Right
Maik FielitzHow have digital tools and networks transformed the far right's strategies and…
S+F. Security and Peace, Issue 1/2019: Populism, Peace and Security
The democratic gains that were won since the fall of the wall 30 years ago…„The new instability“ – new publication
In his latest publication IFSH expert on arms control, Ulrich Kühn, shows the…
Dissertation on the United Nations published
The UN Security Council bears a primary responsibility for the maintenance of…