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Setting new spending priorities - blog post for the Toda Institute
The financial costs of the coronavirus pandemic and of mitigating climate change are huge. This has led to justifiable calls for a reduction in global military spending, which is currently at record…
Conference participation of our researchers in autumn
An overviewThe end of the "summer break" and the beginning of autumn traditionally mean that our researchers participate in many national and international conferences. We have compiled an overview of who is…
Joint INMM/ESARDA Annual Meeting 2021
The joint (virtual) annual meeting of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) and the U.S. Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) was held from August 23 to…IFSH press release: 20 Years after 9/11, Anti-Terror Legislation Needs to Be Scrutinized
Following the attacks of 11 September 2001, Germany passed numerous new security laws: Air travel security checks were made more extensive, biometric data were added to identity documents, and the…Expert Briefing: Germany’s Commitment to Peace Following the Afghanistan Debacle
In the hours leading up to 1 September 2021, the last US soldier departed from Kabul airport. The emblematic photo was seen all around the world and marked the end of a nearly 20-year-long conflict…
IFSH press release: Lessons from Afghanistan - Independent Commission on the Future of German Peacekeeping Operations Is Necessary
The failed Afghanistan operation has shown that there is an urgent need to examine Germany’s involvement in peace and security – thoroughly, independently and with a focus on the future. IFSH…
Workshop on Democratic Security
Security is often seen as a problem for or even as opposed to democracy, for example through governmental prerogatives or discourses of existential threats. The widening and deepening of security as…